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October 23, 2006


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Kim - these are truly lovely! And thank you so much for sharing the forms with all of us.


Thank you sooooo much! This is just what I needed to get me started and so beautiful... it’s perfect! I can hardly wait for your other posts.


Kim, I'm amazed at how motivated you are. I don't think your reasoning is a morbid at all. It's practical. My dh has plans to videotape himself instructing me on what to do with his business if he should pass away. If I ever needed it, it would certainly be a gift. I look forward to seeing the rest of your binder. Thanks for sharing it online. I'm sure it will be helpful to many.


Simply Awe-inspiring. :)
You are handing us such a beautifully crafted gift, Kim.
Thank you.


Oooo binders! So beautiful and inspiring! Looking forward to more downloads. :)


Oh this is perfect! I've been thinking of putting one together and slowing adding to it as time passes by. Looking forward to more!


Kim, these are fabulous!! I am so excited to see and learn more about your system. You have inspired me to spruce mine up, too!

Rebecca B.

You know, I sat up late last night, early this morning because I was so DARN excited about revamping my home control journal after reading this post! I have used it for years and despise it, not so much the system (although that could use a little tweaking also). It is an ugly plastic three ring binder in the best color I could find at the time. I cannot WAIT to make it pretty and fresh!

Rebecca B.

You know, I sat up late last night, early this morning because I was so DARN excited about revamping my home control journal after reading this post! I have used it for years and despise it, not so much the system (although that could use a little tweaking also). It is an ugly plastic three ring binder in the best color I could find at the time. I cannot WAIT to make it pretty and fresh!


I guess I am new to the idea of a Home Management Journal,(this is the first I have ever heard of one) but very intrigued. Could you please work some specific information into your posts about how to create one from the ground up (and also how to make it look pretty!). Thanks!


As the recipient of one of these lovely and practical binders, just had to stop by and say how wonderfully beautiful they are! I so appreciate all the work that went into mine. :)


Thank you so much for posting this. I was toying with the idea of making one up, but since Tuesday of last week I've decided it's HIGH time to start this binder. We found out last week we're expecting TWINS and I'm 20 weeks already! I also have 4 and 2 year old boys- so, anything to help my family run the home in case of bedrest or the sheer insanity of having 2 newborns at a time will be helpful!
thanks so much!


Thanks! Your book is beautiful. Where did you get the lovely antique pictures?

Niama Perrotte

I like this website. I need to create a home journal.

Lenetta @ Nettacow

I found this post from Elizabeth Foss' site, and linked to it in my weekly roundup this week as I've been working on my own binder. Thanks!


My mom gets a lot of ideas on what to change in her home from going to show homes. She writes down the ideas on a scrap book so she didn't forget.

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