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October 29, 2006


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I have been greatly enjoying your blog. Thank you so much for all the wonderful sharing. Even though I already have my management binder done, there are some things I would like to add. I would also like to make some for each of my daughters as they enter their teenage years, to start preparing them for their own homes. ;0) Thanks a bunch. If you don't mind, I will be adding you to my links section on my blog.

Alice Gunther

Another fabulous and practical post. Thank you!

Rebecca B.

Wow Kim! Thanks for all of the examples and great ideas. It helps me so much to have the visuals.


Thank you for taking the time to post about your binder. I've been loving the downloads too. This Saturday is my girl's night out for my birthday. (With my baby too.) We are going to go to the craft store and office supply store and then to my dh's office where I'm going to start my binder. Thanks for the inspiration!

Account Deleted

Thanks so much for taking the time share with all of us. They are beautiful and have proven to be such a joy in my own homemanagement binder.


Thanks so much for sharing your binder and documents with us. I love your ideas and you pages are LOVELY!


Thank you Kim for these great forms. They are going to be a big help in our day to day cleaning!


Handan Piriştine

Thanks for your help. Im working abroad. You helped me to translating traınıng from Turkish to English.

Niama Perrotte

I enjoyed this website. I will use the documents to make a homekeeping binder. I like the ideas from the bedroom cleaning plan.


I'm trying to figure out how to manage my household of 5, especially how to keep it clean. Seems like I can hardly even keep up with the never ending dishes and cooking! Anyhow, I'm inspired by your blog and your comments about teaching your daughters to maintain their homes. I figure it's high time I set a better example and plan to work on some type of planned cleaning schedule, which the kids can help with of course! Thanks for a gentle nudge.


You mentioned Cleaning Grand Plan from Organized Home. I love it. I've used it for years and their Holiday Grand Plan is wonderful for keeping you on track for the holidays.

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