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November 24, 2006


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Thanks for linking to my post. :-)

I didn't mention it in my post, but my mother is also a very good seamstress, like your grandmother. Unfortunately, it's *my* fault that I never learned how to sew... I never had the patience, and was always outside climbing trees. Now I really regret that I didn't take advantage of her expertise while I was at home. There are so many skills I wish I had, and now I'm trying to cram them into very brief, infrequent visits. My daughter also loves being outside and climbing trees; the difference is that she has time to do both! And I only had after school and summers, and of course being outside won the tug of war for me.

You make a very good point about being allowed to only watch vs. being encouraged to *do* as well. It's really something to keep in mind as we educate our children on a daily basis.

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