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November 05, 2006


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Kim, thanks for all the links. I will check them out later on when I have more time. I worked on my binder and dividers last night and I have another question. Is yours full? I used a 2" and it looks empty. I haven't added all the pages yet, but I'm thinking I should go with a 1 1/2" or maybe even 1". What do you think?


Decided to answer right here this time. I agree with Cheryl, mine is not full yet. Although, I have not decided if I want a smaller binder or if I will just include more things in this one place. Some I have filed in a file cabinet fearing I wouldn't have room in the binder. Since I do, I will move them.


Thank you for encouraging me to do this! The info you have provided here is great!

Wendy in VA

Thank you *so much* for all the binder posts. I have saved all the forms and am gathering my binder supplies today and tomorrow. I especially like your emphasis on making it pretty; I'm very visual also and if it doesn't like nice, I won't use it. I thank you, and my dh thanks you! :o)


Thanks Kim for putting in all this effort. I currently have 'A Mother's Rule of Life' notebook that I don't really use and I think you nailed it on the head when you said it has to be PRETTY!! I am very visual so I am going to work on converting mine into a visually pleasing, user friendly Home management notebook for the family. You and Elizabeth have inspired me... again thank you so much ;-)

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