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September 10, 2007


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Barb Mc

Amen, amen sister! she says, as 5 of the 6 kids are positive for strep, one of whom is certain he is having a near death experience and Mom turns up positive for the same illness...is that why she feels so rotten? And packs for a vacation, praying that antibiotics do their miracle work and everyone is happy in a day or so??? Life is just life, schooling at home or not....:)


With my little three week old still in NICU, still not even home yet....I am wondering what in the world is this year of homeschooling going to look like...with another special needs child coming home in less than a few weeks, I know our world will focus on keeping her breathing, keeping her fed, LOTS of doctor and clinic visits...and loving her. I know "real learning" will happen with real loving....that is the subject we will focus on. Thanks for clarifying it for me. Pray for us!!!
God Bless,


Oh, my word, is this true!! And so well spoken. Guerilla Hometeaching... Yah, that's us... &:o)


Wow. That was so insightful that I don't even know what to say. You nailed it.


Guerrilla Homeschooling! How perfect. Thanks for this, I needed it today.


Wow, this is a great post. I found myself grinning in agreement a lot - especially at "true that"! It's nice that homeschooling is so flexible, isn't it?

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