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December 10, 2008


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Thank you for this post. I've been seeking for wisdom in how to approach the necessary functions of running a home and family--the housekeeping, chores, shopping, doctors visits, etc. with a growing family and young children. I have heard so many people say "oh, this time will pass, the children will grow so quickly"; but if I expect to keep having babies (and I do) for the next decade or so, I can't just sit around waiting for the chaos to end. I need to learn how to manage within this framework of "normal". I like the way you see adaptation as a part of life.


i'm going through something so major right now [family] and your last line, as i skimmed, just brought me to tears. i wonder what the reason is [!!]. please pray for a special intention.


I really needed to read this today. Thank you so much for writing it.

Re-reading that and it might sound like I'm being sarcastic so I'd better add that I'm being very sincere. Lack of sleep last night (my own fault) made me think that I was allowed to slack off today, simply because I could. Thank you for reminding me what an important job I have, and that I shouldn't waste a minute of the time I've been given to do it.

Blessings to you and yours...


Thanks for this wonderful post. I'm sure I'll reread it when I get the chance & be thinking about it for the next few days. Much appreciated.


This is just what I needed to hear today!! Thank you.


I loved this post. It is easy to get used to the way things are and be upset with changes. Flexibility with young children helps us focus on the important things of life.

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