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December 02, 2008


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PS: I am using left over candles from last year. I also have a plastic wreath that I let the boys change the deco every year. When we had trees and greenery we always made the wreath.
And the only thing I have out is the Nativity from my Mom (that I helped pick out in JR high in Germany) and the Advent wreath.
I am always slow on the Christmas stuff...


I can associate with this. There have been SO many years when it was all I could do with pregnancy, babies, toddlers, homeschooling, etc... that I felt like it was a big splurge just to get a shower for myself. It's all good. You guys live a prayer already. &:o)

Advent Blessings from across the Colorado prairie!


What a balm this post is for my soul. It has veritably wiped away the guilt and helped me to understand anew all the works of mercy being done each day around here with a large homeschooling family. I too have not had the advent wreath out AGAIN on time this year and not even the new candles bought. Thank you for this helpful reminder of what it takes to "simply" raise our children. I am actually a better mother when I let go of the guilt. Btw, the upclose shot of your baby doll with her shirt off sooooooooo made me want another baby as she is too, too, too precious!!!


Thank you! I so needed to read this! I've been reading your blog for a few weeks now and I love it. This post especially encourages me to "major in the majors." I'm a stay at home mom to two preschoolers, with our third due any day now. I struggle to feel adequate when all I get done is the "basics." Thanks for the reminder that the basics are really very important! So, instead of spending my time decorating for Christmas while my kids watch TV all day in their pajamas and beg for a snack, I'm going to focus instead on caring for my family's basic needs! And I won't feel like a bad mother for not lighting advent candles this year....so long as I'm still reminding my kids of the real Reason for the Season every chance I get!


Beautifully written Kim, Thank You! I think I shall add that book to my wish list as well. We did manage to get our advent wreath up. I tried my hand at a "Tasha Tudor" type wreath with little success. Check it out if you have the time! :)


Thank you so much Kim. I feel like the Lord led me to your blog at just the right time. I had a baby 3 months ago and moved into a new house in that month also. I also started homeschooling this year. I feel like I am just trying to create some order in my life and establish those basic systems you were talking about. I have also been reading some blogs of very creative homeschool moms and have been feeling very inadequate. I needed your perspective. I am inspired to use your materials for the homemaking notebook. I am a recovering messy and I have been inspired by the testimony of your homemaking journey. You have helped me to believe that I can have a peaceful and orderly home and that maybe God will entrust me with more little ones despite my natural weakness in housekeeping. May the Lord bless you and your family this advent season.


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Grace & Peace,


I also was late this year, okay, every year. But I do eventually get to it, and the funny thing is, by being late, it gauges that it is important to the kids - they ask and wonder why we don't have it yet, and when will we? They help me search the stores for the right candles, as we are in an area that doesn't seem to have them in stores. I finally got them from Church. Next year, I think, I'll order them, but likely, I'll again be involved in daily living.

Julie B.

This year I finally made an Advent box for all those things I need first! I am so excited that next year we will have our Advent wreath out on the the first Sunday of Advent!!!

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