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October 13, 2009


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This is a very thoughtful post, Kim. I agree that so many husbands would have opinions about their childrens' educations if their wives weren't so determined to hold the reigns, to do it all their own way. I used to bombard my husband with educational-ease..."I've been following Montessori's Three Step Process" or "I like Waldorf except for Steiner's attachment to anthroposophy." His eyes would glaze over and he would mutter, "What about math? Are they writing paragraphs?" :)

After really listening to what he had to say, I found that he preferred our children learn in a more traditional manner which included much writing, reading, math and (gasp) occasional testing. I told him that I had been trying to avoid "school in a box" for years. He laughed and said, "What's wrong with school in a box?" Um, ah, I didn't have an educated response to that question. :)

We still pepper our learning with other things we love like some Montessori activities and Waldorf art supplies but the meat of our children's education is based on more traditional methods. We are even using a couple of textbooks and workbooks, which I have shied away from for years because I bought into the premise that traditional learning was not a rich way to learn. Turns out the kids love them, are learning a lot and I have a happy husband to boot.


Kim, this is profound that you posted this today. I have been discussing this same subject with a dear friend who has read "Weapons of Mass Instruction" and is encouraging me to read it, in order to 'let go' of things I may be clutching onto tightly, but may not be grounded in the truth. I was praying yesterday that God would guide me in this, and stumbled upon your article! Wow! I feel like I am being moved along in a direction that is uncomfortable, but possibly the way I am SUPPOSED to go...

BTW, would you like to trade blog links? Mine is http://lifevictorious.wordpress.com. I would like to link your site...



Dear Kim,
I wish we lived close and we could have tea and long conversations on occasion. Your posts are always inspiring for me. Thank you for the time that you put into them.

Tracey (Connections)

Kim- Thank you for this post. I find myself looking to others for homeschooling answers FAR too often. Although the "been there, done that" perspective is helpful to a point, you are so right about not knowing the families. Ultimately, one can find completely contradictory opinions from women online. Who to trust? Who to follow?

Thanks, as always, for the reality check and very helpful advice.

I am so glad your year is going so well.


Very wise post Kim. Thank you.


Thank you so very much kim :) very thought-provoking!


Brilliant! Bravo! Now, how am I not supposed to make you my guru when you keeping putting up wisdom like this?! I'll try realllly hard to restrain myself. But I *am* glad I can read your blog!

You are a blessing, Kim. I have a lot of catching up to do here now that I'm able to come online again...

Susan :-)


Thank you. I have been thinking about this same thing in relation to all areas of our lives, including homeschooling. http://catholicmomsjourney.blogspot.com/2009/10/holy-will-of-god.html


Thank you for this great insight. Since DH is a public school teacher, I think that he is amply involved, but this is a great reminder to involve him and also to acknowledge that what works for me may only work for me.


I often ask my husband to help me make decisions about homeschooling because he receives graces that I don't and he shares in the responsibility of educating the children. We recently made a very big decision to enroll in CLAA (classical liberal arts academy). I could NEVER have made the decision without him. In 10 years of homeschooling, it's the best thing we've ever done.


I asked my husband about a year ago, he had a couple of suggestions of what he wanted to include, but then said that he liked what I was doing.

I'm glad I asked! It gives me confidence to know that we're together in this.



Wise words indeed. I will take them away and ponder. I do enjoy the pearls of wisdom and insight and you take the time to share with us all, and like Becky it would be lovely to meet one day and "have a cuppa". You just never know, stranger things have happened!

Lea S.

What a great post. Sometimes I feel that my husband has given me free reign, as you have felt in the past, but now I see that maybe it's time to sit down and have a chat. Thanks for that flash of insight, which makes perfect sense.

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