"Twenty-five years. A quarter century," he messaged very early.
"It's not been a quiet one."
(laughing) "Nope!"
Of all the adjectives ever linked to my boy, quiet does not pop up too often. A fearless toddler, a wildly adventurous child with boundless energy, a teen who pushed past limitations... as well as pushing envelopes and pushing my buttons. He was destined for big things - big trouble or big opportunity. In the past quarter century he has seen some of both. Such is often the case for those with great drive, great intensity, great vision.
His mind was and is still always brewing up a great idea or seven. He has been gifted with the fortitude to see those ideas through come heck or high water. This year he is a college graduate, working fulltime, with a beautiful fiance, coach of a team of inner city basketball players, and partner in a new business. I don't know where the next 25 will take him but it will probably not be quiet because this boy of our's certainly lives out loud.
Because he also lives on another continent my heart is a little heavy tonight. This morning when we talked he said I just want a birthday blog post, mom. Make it a good one! Since this morning I was remembering this story. It is our story in many ways. So here you are Z. Wish you were little enough to read to again. In lieu of that, I wish you were here tonight. The house is far too quiet without you. : )